Wolfgang Huste Polit- Blog

Whom does the extremism concept serve for what? A contribution of Wolfgang Huste


I am with pleasure and sincerely a “left radical”, for me is rather an “honourary concept” – among the rest, then this radicality distinguishes me very clearly from a “typical” SPDLer, from a soft “Reformer”. I strictly go up to the root of the evil, and the evil is really the existing capitalism in power – with all his effects on single people, on the society and on nature. I on no account want to “come” in the circle of the political mediocrities, the Half-hearted, the numerous social dismantlers. I fight daily and everywhere for the fact that it should become radically different and better, so that we need in future no help from donations!

On the other hand, I avoid the concept “extremism”, because this concept is used by the bourgeois-class, by the élites, primarily and traditionally as a fight concept against the left. An orientation in the direction of the “political middle” (who has here the definition what makes out a political middle?) I will strictly refuse. The “political middle” is liberal and by no means identicall with “– the democratic concept”, and this is certainly not capitalism. Just as you cannot be a little pregnant,you cannot be a little bit for exploitation and suppression, a little bit for wars. In this same manner you just cannot reject a little bit of fascism and a little bit of capitalism only “a little bit” (unless, it was not understood what makes out both in reality).

The internal self-censorship, the hurrying ahead obedience compared with the prevailing opinion – which is, as everybody knows, the opinion of the ruling – in terms of “Just do not fall out of the political frame and do not fall out to risk no professional disadvantages, or the general, social dear denial” – we should resist self-confidently and strictly. Only we are plausible towards ourselves and “others”.

Those who want to belong to the bourgoise, have – if maybe not consciously – a not historical and not scientifical view of Totalitarism and think that link extremism and right-wing extremism in many points (supposedly!) are the same and, therefore, also equally are to be rejected (the followers of this “theory” look, primarily, at the outward appearances of both systems opposite irreconcilable and diametrically different). Such a Thinking is – unfortunately! – not only in Germany very widespread. The squint totalitarianism theory, the acceptance of the “political bourgoise” and the practice linked with it in the class society, is found not only in Germany in all media, in all state institutions and organisations. The totalitarianism theory has mutated to a kind European State doctrine. The totalitarianism theory is a doctrine which turns – as already said – primarily, against our interests and aims; the radical left should be discriminated, only, secondly, the ruling élites criticise the fascism, radically right-wing organisations (if generally). Why this is in such a way, is slightly understandable: The fascism is a sharp opponent of the communism / socialism, generally of a left culture. Fascists attack capitalism “as such” only verbally, but not actually. In the historical fascism the ruling class has distinguished between (bad international Jewish Capitalism) and “creative” (German, good Capitalism) which is completely absurd.

As everybody knows, capitalism is based not only on accumulation of the capital, but primarily on a general exploitation of people and of nature – all the same whether it concerns home or foreign capitalists. Therefore, it makes no difference to a capitalist also which skin colour a working person has or from which country he comes. Central issue is that he or she work for dumping wages; if possible he or she are no member of a trade union or a left party organisation and shows no opposition if his rights are limited or diminished .

In the historical fascism communists were “also killed, tormented, thrown in the prison; some could save their lifes only in which they fled abroad. In 1956, in the year of the armed forces foundation in Germany – in the course of the cold war – the old German tradition of the communist hunt revived, in the outruling of the comunist party –a ban was introduced what, by the way, still till this day exists. Quite a lot of Comunist-party members, quite a lot of logical Antifaschist and pacifist landed again only because of his disposition and ideals in prison, at that time still called “Zuchthaus”. Quintessence: Suggesting and constructing a (negative) “equivalence” between Antifaschist and communist / socialist and also class-conscious trade unionists or also Mutualisten/anarchists on one side with their torturer on the other side (at that time the Nazis and the darkest reaction), is not only perverted History , it is also insults all that, at that time as well as today radically (up to the root of the evil, partially even with her life!) for peace, against social dismantling, against the curtailment of rights, against fascism and capitalism strictly started. We should communicate loudly and self-confidently in the public: “I am a left radical, no social democrat! And this feels well in such a way!”.

Dieser Beitrag wurde am Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011 um 13:07 Uhr veröffentlicht und wurde unter der Kategorie Blog abgelegt. Du kannst die Kommentare zu diesen Eintrag durch den RSS-Feed verfolgen.

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